At the City of Prince Albert we are working to improve how we engage with the public. We want you to have the chance to share your thoughts, opinions and expectations on the decisions that matter to you. Any active engagements where we are requesting the input of the public, whether online or in person, will be posted on this page.
If you'd like to be informed on the next upcoming engagement, please consider signing up for our public engagement email list.
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Past Engagements
At the City of Prince Albert we want you to have the chance to share your thoughts, opinions and expectations on the decisions that matter to you.
Please see below for a summary of projects that are now closed:
Emergency Homeless Shelter Consultations |
The City of Prince Albert hosted a series of four community workshops to share information and gather feedback regarding a permanent location for an Enhanced Emergency Shelter. These workshops provided an opportunity for residents and stakeholders to engage in meaningful discussions and contribute their perspectives on the shelter's placement. The workshops took place on the following dates and venues:
Each workshop featured presentations from representatives of the City of Prince Albert and the YWCA, along with a panel of community stakeholders who answered questions from attendees. The sessions also included roundtable discussions, where participants provided valuable feedback to help inform the decision-making process. Mayor Bill Powalinsky emphasized the importance of broad community consultation, stating, “It is clear that finding a location for a permanent shelter is a priority for our community. We need broad consultation to ensure we are hearing all points of view before we make a final decision. With good information, we can ensure we have a good plan to support the shelter once a final location is determined. I encourage all residents to consider taking part in this opportunity.” The Enhanced Emergency Shelter will be designed to operate as a 24-hour facility for individuals experiencing homelessness, offering a safe space where basic needs such as food, shelter, and hygiene were met. Additionally, the shelter will prpvide support services for mental health and addictions, along with life-skills programming aimed at fostering dignity, self-esteem, and long-term housing solutions. For those unable to attend the workshops in person, an online survey was prepared and made available to collect additional feedback. The survey gathered 1,600 responses, demonstrating significant community interest in the project. The City of Prince Albert remains committed to ensuring that all voices are heard in the process of determining the final location for the shelter. |
Crescent Acres Neighbourhood Plan |
In 2013 the Crescent Acres Neighbourhood – Stage 5, 6 and 7 Land Study was prepared. This plan set out a vision for the future expansion of the Crescent Acres neighbourhood and though it remained a draft plan, it had been used by the City to help develop the future infrastructure plans (water, stormwater, sewer and transportation systems) for the neighbourhood. Since the plan was originally created, resident feedback from the redevelopment of the Official Community Plan, Zoning Bylaw and at neighbourhood meetings, as well as lessons learned about street and park design, changed how the City approaches neighbourhood planning. In order to ensure that the growth of the Crescent Acres neighbourhood considers this public feedback and incorporates the lessons learned, the City prepared an alternative land use plan for the area. Before presenting it to City Council for formal adoption, a survey was opened to residents for their feedback. Residents were invited to weigh-in on the proposed changes to a number of key neighbourhood features – proposed land uses (residential and commercial), lot sizes and park space. 380 responses were received. This feedback will be considered in the final plan presented to City Council. |
Plastic Bag Ban |
In July 2019, we sought input from the public on banning single use plastic retail checkout sales bags through a short, three question online survey. The survey was open to all residents in the Prince Albert shopping area. 1713 people took the survey with 75.25 percent in favour of a ban. Plastic bags were banned in Prince Albert through Bylaw No. 33 of 2019 and was schedule to take effect in August 2020. The Covid-19 pandemic prompted City Council to suspend the implementation until after the Provincial State of Emergency was lifted. To learn move, visit |
Little Red River Park Master Plan |
Little Red River Park is one of our greatest assets and in the summer of 2019, we asked for your input on how you use the park, changes you would like to see and possible improvements. The survey closed August 31, 2019. The Little Red River Park Master Plan is now available: |
Central Avenue Streetscape Design |
The City of Prince Albert engaged the community on a reimaging of Prince Albert's downtown in 2018 through a Streetscape design project. Knowing that the underground infrastructure is over 112 years old and in need of replacement, Prince Albert City Council approved the development of a Central Avenue Streetscape design that will act as a guiding document for the rebuild. After extensive consultation, respondents chose a Streetscape design option that would ultimately reduce traffic speeds and provide greater space for people, patios, and landscaping. This option, with one lane of traffic and angled parking on one side, will preserve a healthy amount of parking while also allowing for the features that will make Central Avenue a destination rather than a thoroughfare through downtown. |
Community Services Master Plan |
The City of Prince Albert's Community Services Department undertook a strategic planning process throughout 2017 to development a new Community Services Master Plan that will be used to guide programming and infrastructure development in recreation, arts and culture over the next ten years. The previous plan was a 10 year plan that was implemented in 2007. Community feedback was received through household and community group surveys, neighbourhood planning meetings, stakeholder meetings and open house sessions. The final report considers the themes that emerged from community feedback as well as research from other municipal, provincial and national initiatives. |
Neighbourhood Community Meetings
This is a good opportunity to get us out and meet some of the constituents of Prince Albert and for them to meet us. Council members are there to help you but, in the end, often some of the answers that you get are from us and we want to make sure you have some faces for those names. - Craig Guidinger, Director of Planning and Development
We host one to two community meetings each year. These meetings are an opportunity for you to hear about what we have planned and to share your input about City operations. Topics change from year to year, but generally you will learn about:
- Upcoming or ongoing infrastructure projects
- Service levels for various operations
- Plans for new or upgraded facilities, parks and playgrounds
- New or major changes to policies or bylaws coming into effect
- Major commercial or industrial developments in the works
Community meetings give us an opportunity to share information with you and gives you the chance to ask questions and have one-on-one discussions with the City employees in charge of daily operations.
Meetings are usually held in the Spring or Fall. Meetings will be posted to the PA Events calendar when they are scheduled.
If you'd like to be informed on the next upcoming engagement, please consider signing up for our public engagement email list.