Parking in the City of Prince Albert is regulated under the Traffic Bylaw No.35 of 2020. If you get a ticket, you can make an online payment, mail a cheque, or pay in person at City Hall, 1084 Central Avenue, Monday to Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., except holidays.
Please review the Parking in Prince Albert Brochure for a map showing the location of parking meters, lots and disability stalls in the downtown.
Downtown parking |
The City of Prince Albert offers metered parking downtown which includes on-street and parking lots. The parking meters use quarters, loonies, toonies and parking meter cards. The meters are black except for those designated as disabled which are blue. The time limit for meters and parking lots will vary between two (2) or five (5) hours, depending on their location. There are also all-day Downtown Parking Permits available to purchase for designated metered parking spaces or lots and on River Street. Review the Parking brochure for more details on downtown parking locations and map. To purchase a parking permit, visit the Main Floor, City Hall, 1084 Central Avenue. Parking Meter Rates
Parking meter cards |
You can purchase Parking Meter Cards from the Cashier Counter at City Hall that provide a convenient way to pay for parking at downtown parking meters. Parking meter cards are $25 ($5 activation fee and $20 preloaded value.) You can purchase $10 increments, up to $100 maximum value. Reuse the same card to avoid paying the $5 activation fee. The same card can be preloaded multiple times. You need to insert your card into the meter, in order to log IN to your account. Once you are logged IN, the meter will start using up your preloaded value. Before you leave your parking spot, PLEASE REMEMBER … you must re-insert your card into the meter to log OUT. You must always log your card OUT before you can use it again. Instructions to log IN:
NOTE: Do not remove card until meter states IN. Instructions to log OUT:
NOTE: Always insert your card before leaving and log out. Even if there is no time limit left on the parking meter, you still need to log out. |
Parking Permits |
The City of Prince Albert operates multiple parking lots, including several in the downtown, Sask Polytechnic and the Prince Albert Airport. To purchase a downtown or Sask Polytechnic parking permit, visit the Main Floor, City Hall, 1084 Central Avenue. To buy an Airport permit, please visit the City of Prince Albert Airport site. Downtown and Sask Polytechnic Parking PermitsAll day parking permits can be purchased at City Hall and are valid at:
When using a 5-hour permit, you must be parked at a 5-hour parking meter. These permits are not valid at 2-hour parking meters. Review the Parking brochure above for more details on the parking locations, map and parking permit rates.
Sask Polytechnic Parking Permits OnlyThe parking lot north of Sask Polytechnic on 10th Avenue East is operated by the City of Prince Albert. Permits at the rates below are not valid at any other City lot.
Monthly permits for this lot are sold at City Hall, 1084 Central Avenue. Daily and weekly passes can be purchased in the lot at one of the four pay and display kiosks.
Fines and Enforcement |
Parking fines apply to a range of parking infractions including all disability parking spaces and fire lanes throughout the city (including those at shopping centres). If your vehicle has been towed because of a parking infraction, please visit the Municipal Impound Lot page for more information.
**$40.00 - Additional administration charge if not paid within 30 days of conviction. After conviction, failure to pay will result in the issue moving to the enforcement stage. |
Designated accessible parking |
Designated accessible parking are parking spots for individuals with specific mobility challenges. Only vehicles with a valid accessible permit issued by the Saskatchewan Abilities Council, clearly displayed in the front window of the vehicle (hanging style permits only), may park in a designated accessible parking space. You still need to pay parking meters or be subject to a parking ticket or fine. For more information you can visit the Saskatchewan Abilities Council website or contact the Provincial Services office or phone 306-374-4448. |
Free Parking for Veterans |
Vehicles displaying a valid veteran license plate may park free of charge at metered parking stalls for a period of 24 hours. Your valid plate must be displayed on the rear of the vehicle. Click on SGI's Veteran License Plates program for more details. |
Parking for Out of Province Visitors |
Visitors to the downtown with an out of province license plate can park for free in the downtown. |
Leased Parking Stalls |
Leased stalls are available upon request. The 2025 yearly rate is $705.01. Please contact the Parking Division at 306-953-4370 for more information. |
Bagging Meters |
A meter bagging permit can be purchased to temporarily reserve spaces in the Downtown metered area for construction, special events, moving, etc. Requests to bag a meter can be made online by filling out the meter bagging application form. Cost to reserve a stall is:
The number of parking stalls to be bagged will require different levels of approval. Please provide 1 days' notice to reserve stalls requiring Director of Public Works or designate approval. Please provide at least 2 days' notice to reserve the number of stalls that require the City Manager's approval. The Director of Public Works or designate may approve reserving stalls up to:
The City Manager may approve reserving stalls up to:
Parking Changes
If you are interested in requesting permanent or temporary parking changes in the City of Prince Albert, please review the Municipal Parking Policy 53.2, Permanent and Temporary Parking Changes.This policy is to ensure that all requests for parking changes are dealt with equally and to reduce the amount of routine requests forwarded to City Council. If you have questions about this policy, please contact Public Works.