The City of Prince Albert approves, contracts and publishes a number of strategic and master plans throughout each year. These publications are used for various purposes including communication, operations, forecasting and general municipal information.
Why does the City issue plans?
Plans provide Council and staff with the necessary common focus, priorities, outcomes and strategies to be pursued over the short and long term. Annual reports, strategic plans, and studies are just a few examples of plans that our municipality creates or works with directly.
Why does the City publish reports?
Staff at the City of Prince Albert create reports as a method of communication between themselves, City Council, agencies, stakeholders and the public. These reports ensure that Council and the public have the best information to base current and future decision making.
The City of Prince Albert has approved master plans and strategic plans. These plans include important strategic directions and actions for the implementation of the City of Prince 5 Year Strategic Plan and the overall corporate business planning process.
Prince Albert Housing Needs Assessment Report |
Listen to the Virtual Presentation by Brenda Wallace, Principal and Alan Wallace, Planning Director, Wallace Insights at the City Council Meeting March 17, 2025 here: 8.1 Prince Albert Housing Needs Assessment Report.
Communications Master Plan |
The Communications Plan aims to identify the goals of the Communications Division of the City of Prince Albert including how information is shared with the public through email lists, social media, radio, newspaper, website content and navigation and regular communication with the media. Review the Communications Master Plan for details on long range outcomes and the activities planned to achieve those outcomes. |
Community Service Master Plan |
The Community Services Division manages recreation programs and facilities, as well as park spaces, for the City of Prince Albert. The Community Service Master Plan identified infrastructure priorities, addresses gaps in programming and a partnership framework to guide the City in delivery of community services. |
Official Community Plan (OCP) |
The Prince Albert Official Community Plan, known as “Kistapinanihk-2035”, Cree for the “Meeting Place”, is a comprehensive policy framework that contains goals, policies and objectives guiding the growth and development of the City of Prince Albert. “Kistapinanihk-2035” reflects the vision of the residents of Prince Albert. Although its main purpose is to guide the physical development of the city, “Kistapinanihk–2035” is also a community-wide initiative that is inclusive of social, economic and environmental factors. Not only is it visionary, but it is also strategic and long-term and links to the City Strategic Plan, other strategic documents and initiate major work programs including indicators, that can migrate into financial and performance plans. |
Culture Plan |
The Municipal Cultural Action Plan is a plan for Prince Albert to be a stronger cultural community that supports the arts, preserves heritage and enhances tourism in the city.
Cultural planning is about inclusive community engagement, relationship building, and decision-making that helps local government, businesses, organizations, stakeholders, and community members build and expand upon Prince Albert's already well established arts and cultural community, and achieve our common goals. |
Little Red River Park Master Plan |
Little Red River Park covers approximately 7% of the footprint of the City of Prince Albert. Its ecological, recreational, and cultural importance to the region cannot be overstated. Its exemplary biodiversity, extensive network of trails and recreation facilities, scenic beauty, and historic significance for both Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples, make Little Red River Park a hidden gem in the vast landscape of Saskatchewan. Recognizing the need to protect this natural treasure, the City of Prince Albert, acting on a direction laid out in the Community Services Master Plan, commissioned the Little Red River Park Master Plan. This document is the result of an engaging process of listening – to the people of Prince Albert and district, those that use the park regularly, and indeed the land and water themselves – to determine a direction forward. |
Forestry Management Plan |
The purpose of the Forestry Management Plan plan is to increase urban forestry management effectiveness and efficiency, assess and improve upon tree health and diversity, minimize risks to the public and maximize the benefits provided by a healthy and sustainable urban forest.
This plan will help identify opportunities on both the public and private lands, in urban and rural Prince Albert, and focuses on five key areas:
1) Management and Implementation
2) Community engagement and stewardship
3) Protection and Preservation
4) Reforestation and Enhancement
5) Tree Health and Risk Management
Recommendations for each of these areas have been developed based on a review of Prince Albert’s current practices, evaluation of leading examples from other Municipalities, input from city staff and the community.
Prince Albert Airport - Strategic Master Plan |
The Prince Albert Airport - Strategic Master Plan provides guidance for airport development. The Plan's objective is to ensure that adequate infrastructure and services are available to support current and future commercial air services and private aviation activities at the Airport and within the community.
For more information on any of the Master or Strategic plans, please contact City Hall.