Income and Expense Information Request Forms
Assessment sends out formal requests for income and expense information each year to commercial, hotel and multi-residential properties. We gather this information from as many rental properties in the City as possible. Providing actual information helps establish typical income and expense amounts for all similar properties in our analysis. We request this information be returned within 30 days from the mailing date.
The Assessment Division ensures that property specific building rental income and expense information submitted is kept confidential in accordance to provisions set out in the legislation.
The 2023 Income and Expense Commercial form is now available for download, along with a helpful Guide you will need prior to filling out your form.
The 2023 Income and Expense Hotel form is now available for download, along with a helpful Guide you will need prior to filling out your form.
The 2023 Income and Expense Multi-Residential form is now available for download, along with a helpful Guide you will need prior to filling out your form.
Sales Verification Request Forms
Assessment uses the information collected on the Sales Verification Form to verify details about sales transactions that occur in the City of Prince Albert. This information helps us confirm market values for property assessment purposes. Providing the City with accurate market information helps ensure fair and equitable property assessments.
Please fill out online using the website and survey key code provided on the form or return the completed form using the postage paid envelope provided, by fax to 1-800-547-276 or email to