The Province of Saskatchewan requires that all cities recognize the 1:500 year flood plain within their legislation. As such, in cooperation with the Ministry of Government Relations, the City of Prince Albert has developed a number of draft flood plain policies to minimize the impact to affected properties.
In 2019, Stantec Engineering developed a Flood Plain Mapping Study for the city.
The Estimated Peak Water Levels Map provides a view of the impact of different flood elevations on properties in Prince Albert. The map opens showing the impact of a 1 in 500 year flood event.
Estimated Peak Water Levels Map
Search a property: To find a property you can either zoom in or click the search button on the top right.
Flood Event: Click on the layers button on the top right (under the search button) to see the impact of different flood events.
We encourage you to contact us prior to starting your project to determine if your property is within the flood plain and what requirements will need to be met if it is within the flood plain.