Office of the City Manager

City Manager: Sherry Person
The City Manager is appointed by City Council to manage the operations for the City of Prince Albert. The City Manager's mandate is guided by the Strategic Plan which sets out Council's priorities, goals and objectives. Through the Senior Management Team, the broader functions and goals of the organization are delivered to all employees.
The City Manager's Office is responsible for:
- Providing leadership to the Senior Management Team and all City employees;
- Overseeing and managing an annual operating budget of $94 million;
- Implementing policies as directed by City Council;
- Reviewing all administrative reports to City Council and Executive Committee;
- Ensuring the Mayor and all members of City Council are informed of the operations and affairs of the City;
- Working closely with stakeholders and members of our community to promote local investment, growth and opportunity;
- Corresponding with the Provincial and Federal Government on issues concerning the City of Prince Albert.
Office of the City Clerk

City Clerk: Terri Mercier
The Office of the City Clerk is responsible for the safekeeping of the official records of the City of Prince Albert, including the preparation and distribution of agendas and minutes and the communication of decisions of City Council, Incamera, Boards, Committees and other ad hoc committees as may be required.
The City Clerk:
- Is the signing officer for the City, ensuring proper approvals are obtained before affixing our corporate seal;
- Conducts civic and school board elections, acting as the Returning Officer;
- Acts as the Head pursuant to the Local Authority Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (LAFOIP);
- Provides legislative and procedural research and information to Council, City Departments and the public regarding hearings, petitions and provincial statutes relating to municipal government.
Office of the City Solicitor

City Solicitor: Mitchell J. Holash, K.C.
The City Solicitor's Office serves to advocate, advance and protect the interests of the City and its citizens by providing professional legal services and advice to City Council and its City departments, boards, committees and authorities, including:
- Serving as legal counsel for the City in proceedings before courts and tribunals;
- Developing and implementing City bylaws, contracts, policies and resolutions;
- Advancing and enforcing the City's rights and authorities;
- Assessing and managing legal liability;
- Interpreting legal statutes.
Mitchell Holash, K.C. is the City Solicitor appointed by Council pursuant to The Cities Act and manages a team of lawyers under a contract model to efficiently deliver municipal legal services to the City.
Parks, Recreation and Culture

Director of Parks, Recreations and Culture: Jody Boulet
The Community Services Department manages parks, recreation and cultural programs and facilities for the City of Prince Albert. The Municipal golf course, cemetery and urban forest are also managed by the department. In conjunction with community organizations, Community Services operates a field house, two arts facilities, three artificial ice arenas, four museums, ten community clubs and the summertime playground program.
Corporate Services

Director of Corporate Services: Kiley Bear
The Corporate Services department supports the City of Prince Albert's vision, mission and values to foster operational success for the City, its employees and residents through the design and execution of all Human Resources, Payroll, Information technology, Labour Relations, Communications, and Occupational Health and Safety strategies and initiatives.
Through these strategies the department is responsible for workforce design and development, performance management, recruitment, training, total rewards, policies and procedures, collective bargaining, workplace health and safety as well as corporate and media communication plans.
Financial Services
Director of Financial Services: Ramona Fauchoux
The Financial Services Department consists of the following areas:
Accounting and Budget
- Responsible for financial planning, preparing the operating and capital budgets, investing City reserve funds, processing all accounting information, cash collections, accounts receivable, and accounts payable.
Assessment and Taxation
- Responsible for managing the value of properties, property taxes and levying taxes.
Purchasing and Stores
- Responsible for acquiring the materials, equipment and services required for City departments, for disposing of surplus materials and equipment, and for maintaining adequate inventory levels.
Water Utility Services
- Responsible for the above ground water utility services which includes water meters and billings.
Fire Department
Fire Chief: Kris Olsen
The Prince Albert Fire Department delivers services to the City of Prince Albert through emergency response, prevention and education, while ensuring the safety of our residents and those who visit our Gateway City. The Fire Department is committed to protecting life, property, and the environment. Our members are trained, prepared and ready to respond to a wide variety of situations that may arise.
Community Development

Director of Community Development: Craig Guidinger
Department of Community Development The City of Prince Albert’s Department of Community Development works to enhance the overall quality of life for residents by promoting a safe, healthy, and sustainable community. The department is organized into three key divisions, each focusing on specific aspects of community growth, safety, and services. These divisions work together to meet the needs of the community, ensuring a vibrant, well-managed, and efficient city for all its residents.
Community Safety and Wellbeing (CSWB) The Community Safety and Wellbeing Division is dedicated to creating a safer and more inclusive city through proactive programs and services. This division is responsible for Bylaw Enforcement, ensuring that city bylaws are followed to maintain public order, Transit, providing accessible and reliable public transportation options, and CSWB, ensuring that all residents can live in an environment that promotes safety, health, and personal well-being.
Planning and Development The Planning and Development Division plays a critical role in shaping the growth and future of Prince Albert. This division is responsible for Planning, overseeing the long-term vision of land use, zoning, and development regulations. The Building unit ensures that construction projects meet safety, quality, and compliance standards, while the Economic Development team focuses on driving business growth, fostering a dynamic local economy, and supporting the attraction of investment to the city.
Asset and Data Management The Asset and Data Management Division ensures that the City of Prince Albert’s physical infrastructure and technological assets are well-maintained and effectively utilized. This division is responsible for the management of the city’s Assets, while also overseeing an effective Data Management and Geographic Information Systems (GIS), ensuring the city’s data is efficiently collected, analyzed, and used to inform decision-making.
Together, these divisions work toward building a well-organized, thriving, and sustainable city, providing residents with the services and support they need to live, work, and thrive in Prince Albert.
Public Works

Director of Public Works: Jeff da Silva
The Public Works department is a multi-facetted department overseeing 9 different divisions providing all of the critical services that the residents of the City require for access to move about and enjoy a safe environment.
- The Prince Albert Airport (Glass Field) is operated by this division to maintain the airside runway, taxiways, aprons, groundside parking lots and airport terminal.
- Oversees design, drafting, surveying and capital construction of all new facilities, including plant upgrades, underground utilities, roadways, sidewalks and pathways. This division also reviews all private development to ensure compliance with City Design and Development Standards.
- Our fleet division is responsible for the purchase, operation and maintenance of all City equipment and vehicles including those used by Community Services, Fire and Police.
- This division is responsible for all aspects of operation and maintenance of our 280 km of roadways and sidewalks. This includes asphalt and concrete repairs, street sweeping and snow clearing.
- The Prince Albert Regional Landfill is operated and maintained by our sanitation division. This includes the City's garbage and recycle collection program.
Traffic and Transportation
- This division operates and maintains all traffic lights, road signage, line painting and crosswalks throughout the City. It also oversees the operation of the City's Transit system.
Water Treatment Plant
- The Prince Albert Water Treatment Plant supplies up to 33 million litres of clean safe drinking water per day to over 45,000 residents within the City of Prince Albert and Rural Municipalities of Prince Albert and Buckland.
Water and Sewer
- This division operates and maintains 522 km of water, sewer and storm mains that run throughout the City providing clean water, sewage disposal and flood protection.
Waste Water Treatment Plant
- The Prince Albert Waste Water Treatment Plant is responsible for the treatment of waste water and sewage. The WWTP treats up to 44.4 million litres of waste water per day.