The Lake Country Co-op Leisure Centre Aquatics area is set for a phased opening!
Check back on this page to learn more about programming and availablility.
About the New Lake Country Co-op Leisure Centre Auquatics Area |
The Aquatics area will be 51,500 square feet. It will feature a dedicated space for lane swimming and a leisure area. With dedicated spaces, there will be more hours available for competitive swim groups as well as more public swim times and swimming lessons for families. The expanded indoor capacity also means Prince Albert will be able to host local and regional swim competitions and added spectator seating will give more room for guests to watch. Currently, Frank J. Dunn pool is unable to host these events as the pool is limited to 5 lanes and does not meet Swim Sask requirements. Separate pools also means temperatures can be customized: cooler temperatures for the lane pool and warmer temperatures for the leisure pool.
Key features include: