Statistics Canada has released the 2021 Census data that shows a 5.1% increase in population for Prince Albert. The population grew from 35,926 (2016) to 37,756 (2021). This compares to the provincial population data which shows Saskatchewan’s population grew by 3.1%
“It’s exciting to see that our growth outpaced the province, “said Mayor Greg Dionne. “It’s a sign of the confidence in Prince Albert as a place to live and do business.”
“We’ve got a lot on the horizon in Prince Albert with the new Arena and Aquatics Recreation Centre, the announcement that the OSB plant will be locating here and more recently the re-opening of Cameco mining operations,” added Mayor Greg Dionne. “There’s a lot to look forward to and I expect we will see an even greater population growth in the next census.”
The increase in population is welcome news for Prince Albert as grants from senior governments are based on per-capita funding models. The more people counted the more the City receives to pay for services and infrastructure.
“Last year we asked residents to fill out their census and many of you did your part,” said Mayor Dionne. ”Thank-you to everyone that took the time to be counted.”
For more information on the Census Statistics, visit:
For media inquiries, please contact:
Mayor Greg Dionne
(306) 953-4300