The City of Prince Albert's Master Specifications and Standard Detail drawings set the requirements for all roadway and utility construction. This applies for all designers, contractors, developers, property owners and residents that intend to construct within the City of Prince Albert Right-of-Way.
It is the responsibility of each individual to identify the specifications and drawings required for the supply of materials and/or construction services. It is also the responsibility of each individual to obtain such specifications and drawings from the website for use in bidding or executing work approved or specified by the City of Prince Albert.
The City of Prince Albert's Master Specification and Standard Detail drawings for roadways, water/sewer constructions are subject to revision, addition, or deletion. In the event of revisions, additions or deletions being made that affect open tenders for any roadways or water and sewer projects, contract addenda will be forwarded to all registered bidders advising them of changes to the specifications and/or drawings that may affect such tenders.
Standard Detail Drawings |
Standard Detail Drawings - full document
Cover Page
Table of Contents
Service Details |
- 00-01-01 New Hydrant Connection
- 00-01-02 Existing Hydrant Connection
- 00-01-03 Standard Manhole Pipe Size < 600mm
- 00-01-04 Standard Manhole Pipe Size 600mm to 900mm
- 00-01-05 Standard Manhole Pipe Size > 900mm
- 00-01-06 Combined Manhole/Catch Basin
- 00-01-07 Standard Catch Basin
- 00-01-08 Thrust Blocking Details
- 00-01-09 Typical Irrigation Connection 50mm Service
- 00-01-10 Typical Sewer and Water Connection
- 00-01-11 Typical Weeping Tile Connection
- 00-01-12 Garage Interceptor
- 00-01-13 Interior Catch Basin and Trap
- 00-01-14 Curb Box PVC Sleeve Specifications - Hard Surface Driveways
- 00-01-15 Pavement Structures W/Weeping Tile
- 00-01-16 Duplex Service Connection
- 00-01-17 Storm Sewer Weeping Tile Details
- 00-01-18 Trench and Bedding Details
- 00-01-19 Curb Cock (CC Stamp Detail)
- 00-01-20 Service Connection Note Form - Residential Developments
- 00-01-21 Service Connection Note Form - Developments with Storm Sewer
- 00-01-22 Curb Box Report - Location and Adjustment
- 00-01-23 Storm Outfall Design
Streetscape Details |
- 00-02-01 Typical Streetscape Detail and Tree Grate Detail
- 00-02-02 Metered Parking Detail
- 00-02-03 Downtown Curb Detail
Curb Details |
- 00-03-01 Median Detail on Existing Asphalt
- 00-03-02 Separate Walk, Curb & Gutter
- 00-03-03 Combined Curb, Walk & Gutter Crossing Details
- 00-03-04 Rolled Curb, Walk & Cutter Construction Details
- 00-03-05 Curb and Gutter Crossing Detail
- 00-03-06 Curb Crossing Detail
- 00-03-07 Reinforcing Required When Crossing Backfilled Trenches
- 00-03-08 Concrete Swale Detail
- 00-03-09 Reversed Curb and Gutter Detail
- 00-03-10 Gutter Patch Paving
Right-of-Way Details |
- 00-04-01 18m RIGHT OF WAY
- 00-04-02 24 m Collector Right of Way
- 00-04-03 30 m Arterial Right of Way
- 00-04-04 Residential Crescent and Cul-De-Sac Design
- 00-04-05 Offset Intersection Clearance Detail
- 00-04-06 Rehabilitated Roadway Pavement Structures
- 00-04-06A New Construction Roadway Pavement Structures
- 00-04-07 Lane Pavement Structure
- 00-04-08 Granular Surfacing Structure
- 00-04-09 Typical Pathway Structures
- 00-04-10 Multi-use Trail Pathway Ramp Configurations
- 00-04-11 Typical Island Design
- 00-04-12 Typical Right In or Right Out Only Crossing Detail
- 00-04-13 Typical Right in Right Out Island Dedicated Auxilary Lane
- 00-04-14 Standard Rural Crossing Requirements
- 00-04-15 Buried Utility Asphalt Repair 0 to < 300mm Cut
- 00-04-16 Buried Utility Asphalt Repair 300 to 1000mm Cut - Method 1
- 00-04-17 Buried Utility Asphalt Repair 300 to 1000mm Cut - Method 2
- 00-04-18 Buried Utility Asphalt Repair Typical Gravel Lane & Street
- 00-04-19 Utility Cut - Concrete Repair Examples
- 00-04-20 Utility Cut Request Form
- 00-04-21 Shallow Buried Utility Repair Typical Boulevard Park Cut
Walk and Ramp Details |
- 00-05-01 Ramp Detail - 1
- 00-05-02 Ramp Detail - 2
The City of Prince Albert Design Standards provide clear requirements that must be adhered to by developers and designers. This ensures that infrastructure meets the community’s quality of life expectations by being safe, functional, and aesthetically pleasing, while protecting the environment, and having reasonable life cycle costs.
Design Standards |
Design Standards - full document
Cover Page
Table of Contents
- Section 1: Design Basis
- Section 2: General Considerations
- Section 3: Stormwater Management
- Section 4: Water Distribution
- Section 5: Sanitary Sewer
- Section 6: Transportation
- Section 6: Transportation Geometric Standards
- Section 7: Post Lot Development Issues
- Section 8: Parks and Open Space